Talking about Choice Theory to others - spreading the word
Do you get asked "What is Choice Theory?" An elevator speech is that 30 seconds you have when people ask that question. A great elevator speech does four things: It sets out the problem
It sets out the opportunity
It sets out how the training is going to solve that in a way that's valuable to customers
It inspires the listener
How does this sound? We have a world that is beset with violence, break down of families, mentally ill people, jails full to overflowing
Learning Choice Theory has an answer to these huge issues. Even if we were able to eliminate just one of these areas, society would be a better place for everyone.
We teach people that we need to recognise that we can only control ourselves. The issues are really all about trying to control others. Violence is trying to control others; break downs in families are the result of one person in the marriage trying to control another. Mentally ill people are larg...