Oh where , oh where is Choice Theory when you need it.
A Sunday newspaper appeared on the table the other day. One that I don't usually see. Three articles attracted my attention. One the front page the title was "The secret story of violence in schools' with a photo of a face with a large bruise under the eye. The article began with descriptions of student behaviours towards teachers in New Zealand schools. Pushing, verbal abuse, kicking, teacher cars being vandalised. Possibly not very different from many schools in other countries. The article stated that in some cases schools were asking teachers not to report these incidents for fear of involving the police would lead to negative publicity. The second article "Wagging school the daily deal for 29,000" with a subtitle -Chronic truants are getting lost in the system and ending up in crime or teen pregnancy statistics. One student was reported as saying he had regularly skipped school since the age of 13. "Sc...