The Weather Rope

The Weather Rope My older brother and I had a discussion about school journals that were a part of our reading program at school in New Zealand all those years ago. He reminded me about a story that had made a huge impact on him called The Weather Rope . Perhaps it was the fact that we grew up in a farming community where the weather was always a topic of discussion "We need rain." Or "Wish it would stop raining so we can get the hay in." Perhaps it was the possibility of being able to control things over which we had no control. The story told of a community that discovered a weather rope that hung from the sky. All one had to do was to go and pull on the rope to get a change in the weather. If the community wanted rain then the rope was pulled and hey presto there was rain. Then if the rain was sufficient for the grass to grow, the rope was pulled again and there was the sunshine to dry up all the puddles. This all went along...