The Solving Circle
The Solving Circle William Glasser’s Solving Circle has many applications and can be adapted for use with students in schools. It is a valuable tool in the toolbox of the Lead Manager. This example explains a process that was used in a primary school in Queensland Australia with great success and with long-lasting results. The Story Every person who joins a group changes the dynamics. A new year six student arrived at Arundel State School during the year. She was a vivacious, attractive girl from South Africa of Indian descent. The ‘in-group’ of year six girls immediately included her in their group. After a time, the relationship began to deteriorate and turned quite nasty and it descended into name-calling and general put-downs, ending up a catfight and the girls scratching of each other. Parents became involved. The classroom teacher and I were both Glasser advocates and decided this would be an excellent opp...