The Loss of Our Teacher and Mentor

Dr Glasser

It is with great sadness that we mourn the loss of our teacher, mentor and friend.  Dr William Glasser MD passed away peacefully in his home in Los Angeles on the 23 August, 2013.

Glasser visited New Zealand on two occasions.  Each time he brought the energy of his teaching as he connected with many throughout the country.  His attendance at the conference in Christchurch was a standout time for those of us who attended.

Gwen Sands and I had dinner with him following that conference, and we will both always have that memory etched in our quality worlds.

I wish to pay tribute to him and what I think is some of what he has taught us.

Dr Glasser - The Lens Maker
The lens through which we view the world is the beliefs we have about how we live our lives.  Are we at the mercy of things and people outside ourselves or do we have control?  This lens impacts on how we interact with others, how we accept what is happening with us and those around us.   If we view the world as ‘doing things’ to us – we can easily slip into the disconnecting habits of blaming and complaining.  Through the lens of internal control psychology we learn that we can make better choices.

Dr Glasser – The Code Breaker
It has been said that we are born without an instruction manual.  Dr Glasser has given us the simple framework of the Basic Needs to understand our driving motivations.  By teaching us this, he has given us the manual for understanding ourselves and others. With this knowledge we can help others take charge of their lives.

Dr Glasser – The Matchmaker
In sharing his theory about the basic needs, we learned about the strengths of the needs.  Knowing your genetic profile or the strengths of you five basic needs and those of someone with whom you are in a relationship, can give valuable information about possible pitfalls. Need strengths profiles that are significantly different can be perceived as a barrier to the relationship, however, awareness of these differences can enable understanding and acceptance.

Dr Glasser – The Peacemaker
The Solving Circle is a very useful way of getting couples on their front wheels and continuing to work hard at their relationship.  Knowing that the only person someone can change is him or herself, this strategy sets up a situation where people within a relationship can see a way forward.  It is useful not only for partners in a relationship but with groups of children in a family or at school. 

Dr Glasser – The Saver of Schools
If all schools were Glasser Quality Schools, we would impact significantly on the world.  Schools where students are self managing, achieving at high standards and are joyful in learning, means that students leave as happier and healthier individuals.  Research shows us that if children are self managing by the age of ten, it impacts on their long term health, wealth and their likelihood of committing crime.  We would need fewer prisons, fewer hospitals and the world would be a safer place for everyone.

Dr Glasser – we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the learning we have gained because of your work.

We will strive to show a better way to live by continuing to ‘Strengthen New Zealand though Choice Theory Psychology” Choosing, Connecting Change

With Love and Peace
Bette Blance  President William Glasser Institute-New Zealand


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