On Becoming a Glasser Quality School

Those of us committed to Choice Theory in the field of education would most likely agree that if all schools were Glasser Quality Schools, we would have little need for places like the Californian Institution for Women in Los Angeles.

And perhaps people like Paul Van Houts, mental health nurse in Townsville in Australia would have fewer clients.

And perhaps fewer patients would be in our hospitals. Ah! What a dream 

Implementing Choice Theory and its applications in schools takes an enormous amount of time, energy and commitment on the part of everyone in the school.

Throughout the world there are schools ‘on the journey’. Some have declared as a GQS while others are working towards it. Even though a school has declared as a GQS it is still always on the journey of continuous improvement.

In Australia and New Zealand we have decided to draw up a database of schools ‘on the journey’ to acknowledge and honour their efforts and give their contact details to people wanting to visit.

It is a very brave step to declare as a GQS. You are announcing to the world and to the Glasser Community in particular that you have self evaluated and all agreed on achieving this status.

There are huge expectations that the conditions of quality will be found in every nook and cranny of the school. Everyone from the janitor to the principal, the youngest child to the most experienced teacher know and live in a Choice Theory way.

Factors such as changing government expectations, funding constraints, parental expectations can all work against the implementation of a Choice Theory school. Commitment and a willingness to persist in the face of this adversity is what makes a Glasser Quality School.

In the words of Michael Jordan

 Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.


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